On Ivan Reitman's
"My Super Ex-Girlfriend", I associate costume designed with costume designer buddy Laura Jean Shannon, a gal with an affinity for super heroes (LJ designed "Zathura", "Blade Trinity" and "Iron Man").
The task at hand was thinking of ways of branding superheroine "G Girl", who changed her clothes frequently and as per the script, purchased them retail (at Barney's). The folks at Bulgari worked with us, manufacturing buckles, brooches and necklaces with the "G" logo. The embroidery machines were humming on West 38th Street as we chose where to patch, where to add a brooch-
One crucial scene involved Luke Wilson's character "Matt" being undressed publicly at top speed by G-Girl and involved our test running breakaway suits with pull away ripcords. In a case of giving it all for the movie, the multi talented Adam Watt, (a member of our crew) donned the breakaway suit for a videotaped test run on stage. Nice way to meet the director. (Anything for the job!)