After the unexpected sudden passing of my darling Pomeranian Minouschka, I decided to take a chance and get a new pup.
I tried the "adopt don't shop" route, which has great merit, but knowing I'd personally need to have a pup 10 lbs. or less to fly above deck and one that would be non-destructive, non-marking for hotel rooms or corporate rentals, I was about to make a considerable downpayment (it was on either Zelle or Venmo) by the most professional looking "adoption" site.
Fortunately, the payment house flashed a warning: they wanted to be sure that I'd read a post they'd put up saying that there were scammers pretending to be legitimate pet adoption agencies. I'd gotten a phone number from the scammer after much resistance and then Googled a scam search with that number.
Seems that the phone number listed was responsible for scams across the country. That payment house warning saved me not only the money, but a 3+ hour road trip each way to get the puppy. I cannot imagine how awful it would have been to travel that far and realize you've been had. A true case of buyer beware!
Chatting with a cousin who works in the news field, he showed me the most extraordinary AI site where the model, background and graphics were nearly undistinguishable from something filmed in real life. Doing a good graphic for a phony website now is childs play in comparison.
So: I contacted he breeder in Paris, MO from whom I'd gotten Minouschka years before.
Looking on his website, which featured utterly adorable pups and considering that this fellow had answered my questions and helped me out years after I'd gotten my previous pup, I imported the latest little pup.
She hops like a bunny and looks like a little bear, so discounting the 100 plus names I'd considered before meeting the puppy, I named her Bunny Bear.
Arrival at the Cargo Hangar for American Airlines at LaGuardia. Note to folks who find themselves there- no restroom available, one must head down the road to the 7/11 should one find themselves in need of one!

So, greetings to all from this puppy training center in Brooklyn-
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